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Télécharger international business law and its environment (English Edition) PDF Livre - Today most people agree that no business is purely domestic and that even the smallest local firms are affected by global competition and world events. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ITS LEGAL ENVIRONMENT is designed to deliver comprehensive, yet accessible, coverage of the legal implications and ramifications of doing business internationally, along with the related cultural, political, economic, and ethical issues faced by global business managers. Focusing on trade, the licensing of intellectual property, and foreign direct investment, the authors present the three major forms of doing business in a foreign country through real-world examples, precedent-setting cases, managerial implications, and ethical considerations. From the legal relationship between parties in an international business transaction to managing risk to learning the special challenges of doing business in emerging economies, the 9th Edition helps students understand the most common practices and critical issues in global business law.

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Détails international business law and its environment (English Edition)

Le Titre Du Livreinternational business law and its environment (English Edition)
AuteurRichard Schaffer
Évaluation du client3.2 étoiles sur 5 de 283 Commentaires client
Nom de fichierinternational-business-law-and-its-environment-english-edition.pdf
La taille du fichier23.38 MB

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